Our Core Values
Principles that guide us in everything we do
Ubuntu/ Unhu
Vision Statement
A clean, safe and healthy environment for an empowered society and a sustainable growing economy by 2030.
Mission Statement
To regulate, monitor and promote the sustainable management of natural resources and protection of the environment with stakeholder participation.
Our Services

Soil Testing

Regulating of the transportation, storage and sale of hazardous substances

Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Inspections

Regulating the disposal of solid waste and effluent

Water and folia testing

Ambient Water Quality Monitoring

Environmental Reporting
EMA's Functions Include
(a) Formulation of quality standards on air, water, soil, noise, vibration, radiation and waste management;
(b) Assisting and participating in any matter pertaining to the management of the environment; and in
(i) Development of guidelines for the preparation of the National Plan, environmental management plans
and local environmental action plans;
(ii) Regulating and monitoring the collection, disposal, treatment and recycling of waste;
(iii) Regulating and monitoring the discharge or emission of any pollutant or hazardous substance into
the environment;
(iv) Keeping records in the form of registers of all licences, and permits issued under this Act;
(v) Regulating and monitoring the control of invasive alien species;
(vi) Regulating, monitoring, reviewing, and approving environmental and social impact assessments;
(vii) Regulating and monitoring the management and utilisation of ecologically fragile ecosystems;
(viii) Making model by-laws to establish measures for the management of the environment within the
jurisdiction of the local authorities;
(ix) Development and implementation of incentives for the protection of the environment;
(x) Recommending to the Government the conventions which the Country may join, and incorporate
their provisions into National law;
(xi) Co-ordinate the production of a report on the state of the environment every five years for the
purpose of paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section five;
(xii) Undertaking of any works deemed necessary or desirable for the protection or management of the
environmental where it appears to be in the public interest or where in its opinion an appropriate
authority has neglected to do so;
(xiii) Serving written orders on any persons requiring them to undertake or adopt such measures as are
specified in the orders to protect the environment;
(xiv) Carrying out periodic environmental audits of any projects including projects whose
implementation started before the fixed date for the purpose of ensuring that their
implementation complies with the requirements of this Act;
(xv) Regulating and monitoring access by any person to the biological and genetic resources of
(xvi) Recommending to the Minister the formulation of any regulations pertaining to the provisions of
this Act
(xvii) Carrying out any other duties and functions as directed by the Minister.