E S I A Process
Environmental Impact Assessment
To conduct any activities that might have the potential to harm/ have negative effects on the environment, you need an Environmental Impact Assessment from EMA. You cannot implement your project until an Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA) certificate is granted for the following projects;
1. Dams and man-made lakes.
2. Drainage and irrigation
3. Forestry
4. Housing developments
5. Industry
6. Infrastructure Development
7. Prospecting, mining, and quarrying
8. Petroleum production, storage, and distribution
9. Power generation and transmission
10. Tourist, resorts, and recreational developments
11. Waste treatment and disposal
12. Water supply
Certificate Renewal
The certificate is valid for 2 years. Thereafter, a renewal is required six (6) months prior to the expiration of the certificate. The project developer is required to renew his/her license if the commencement

of the project has not been completed within the stipulated period.
The renewal process is as follows:
a) Completion of the EMA C1 renewal form with attached quarterly reports
b) Payment of a prescribed fee
c) Submission to the Agency for processing
The EIA renewal process takes at least a month.
First Stage - Prospectus
Prepare prospectus (a short document with project description, location-attach a colour 1:50 000 map, baseline environmental setting, major anticipated environmental impacts of the project, possible mitigation measures, project cost, terms of reference and legal framework)
- To be prepared either by the proponent or registered consultant(List of registered consultants available at ema.co.zw)
- *6 copies of the prospectus
- Review fee $901.68
- 20 working days to review
Second Stage - EIA
- EIA review fee (0.8%, 1% or 1.2% of total project cost)
- *6 copies
- 60 working days to review
First certificate valid for 2 years
- Progress reports to be submitted to the Agency quarterly
- Extension of validity of certificate granted upon payment of a renewal fee of $1 643.47 and valid for 1 year
Batoka Project - ESIA Review

The Environmental Management Agency received the Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA) for the proposed Batoka 2400 MW Hydro Power Project in terms of
Section 100 of the Environmental Management Act (CAP 20:27). Hydro Power Schemes
are prescribed projects in terms of Section 97 as read with the First Schedule of the
Environmental Management Act (CAP 20:27), thus require an ESIA study to be conducted,
and issuance of an ESIA certifi cate before the project commences. As part of the review
process, the Public is therefore being notifi ed of the submission of the above proposed
project for review in terms of Section 100 of the Environmental Management Act (CAP
20:27) as read with Section 10(7) of Statutory Instrument 7 of 2007.
The proposed BGHES project will be located in the central portion of the Zambezi River
Basin and will span across the international boundary between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The
proposed Hydro Power Plant is expected to generate 2400 MW Power. In Zimbabwe, it will
be situated on the Zambezi River and approximately 47 km downstream of the Victoria Falls
in Hwange District covering Matetsi, Chidobe, Katchecheti, Nemanhanga, Mbizha, Jambezi,
Sidinda, Mashala and Simangani Wards. In Zambia, it covers parts of the Kazungula District
in Mukuni and Katapazi Wards.
The proposed BGHES includes the following key components;
1. Dam wall and reservoir, including a spillway,
2. Surface power houses, one on each side of the river,
3.Transmission lines in Zambia and Zimbabwe,
4. Access roads (and Batoka Bridge) in Zambia and Zimbabwe; and,
5.Project townships (in both Zambia and Zimbabwe) and other ancillary infrastructure (such as quarries, spoils area and batching areas).
The Full ESIA report is accessible on the following link:
The Agency therefore invites comments from the Public as part of the review process on the proposed project to be emailed to batoka.esia@ema.co.zw on or before 17 October 2022.