EMA Online license Application

Welome to our Online EMA Licence Application Portal, we have quite a number of licences that a client can apply for depending with the client's needs and business operations, these are based on the various thematic areas licensed by the Agency and they vary from Hazardous Substances, Wetlands, Solid Waste, EIAs, Ecosystems protection, Air Quality and Water & Effluent. Before you proceed please go through the below stated requirements.

Requirements for Online Licence Application

1.) You need to be registrered by EMA first before you start applying for licences. hence you need to have a Valid Business Partner Number generated from the Agency's system.

2.) If you don't have (1) above please follow this link to apply for one, Business Partner Registration.

3.) If you are applying for Hazardous Substances theme you need to have Importer's registration number, Supplier's registration number as well as the contact person's registration number. these are system generated numbers issued to you after you register in (2) above.

 Application Online.
Clients are advised to carefully choose their licence of choice which they need to apply for, from the below list. You can make use of the description column to understand more about the particular licence. Clicking the Licence Link will take you to the Online Application Form which you need to carefully fill in and submit your application.




EMA 001

Hazardous Substances – Transit Licence Application.

HS Transit Licences App

 EMA 002

EMA 003

EMA 004

EMA 005

Should need any further Clarifications or Assistance, Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the IT Team on +263 8677 006 244, or on hazardous@ema.co.zw.